Shelter the Homeless

The homeless come in all shapes and sizes. Old men and women, abandoned children, down and out job seekers, veterans struggling to return to civilian life, mental health patients who are off their medicine, professional panhandlers and travelers, etc, etc. Whatever happened to them that caused them to be on the streets, we find a clear command from God for us to help them as we can. To shelter them. To treat them as we would Jesus Christ, even if their own life choices put them where they are. It doesn't matter, compassion and love know no bounds.

There are many organizations that help to shelter the homeless, locally, nationally, and globally.

Catholic Charities of [Your city's name here]

If you live in a large city, then you will have a Catholic Charities of that city. They will be doing good work in many different arenas, and one of them will be yours. There are also Catholic Charity organizations for large areas of the country that are not urban and even a national Catholic Charities group. To get involved with your local catholic charity, simply contact their office and offer to volunteer.

If you are a Knight and you would like to have your city's Catholic Charity listed below, please contact the site administrator with the contact form.

Catholic Charities USA

Catholic Charities of Dallas